go green


1. Any practice that involves protecting the environment


Recycle. Reuse. Conserve. Everyone has heard and is trying in some way or another, to help protect our planet. We’ve all heard the buzz words: “environmentally friendly”, “green”, “eco-friendly”, “natural”, “organic” and “non-toxic”.

Beyond White is trying to do its part by using and encouraging the use of products that are more green-friendly, to benefit you, the client, and on the earth, in which we live.

But what does “green” on your walls mean?

In the paint world, it means using products with low or no VOC’s. VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds) are toxic gases or vapors containing carbon that is emitted by solids or liquids, such as paint, lacquers, pesticides, cleaning products and even some health and beauty products!

When a medium, such as paint, begin to dry, vaporizing (also known as emissions or off-gassing) begins. This can cause the release of ozone concentrations of carbon that are above air quality standards. This can lead to a negative impact on our health.

Research shows that breathing air with ozone concentrations above air quality standards aggravates symptoms of people with pulmonary diseases and seems to increase rates of asthma attacks and possible allergic reactions. Prolonged exposure can cause permanent damage to lung tissue and interfere with the functioning of the immune system.

So while choosing a paint product, it is best to find those with either low or no VOC’s. Those that have less than 50 grams of VOC’s per liter are considered “green”, by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). And those are the products we choose at Beyond White.

By supporting companies that manufacture paint mediums that inflict little or no harm to the environment, we try to be “green-friendly” in our work, preventing hazards to your health and to the environment. This includes all products we use. That’s our thing. Several of the decorative finishes and paint products we use are not only good for your walls but good for Mother Earth.

We try to make an impact on your walls and not on your environment.

contact taurie

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